Yes, logo CEFF is given only to the products to which it is not in the production process artificially or technologically added an additive from the categories of preservatives, artificial colours, sweeteners and glutamates. However it may, iTherefore n exceptional cases, happen that the product holding logo CEFF contains a chemical composition that has a E code from the list forbidden by CEFF. This can happen when the source of additive comes from natural origin as part of the ingredients used in the production. For example a ham with logo CEFF can contain nitrites as raw meat contributes about 8 mg / kg of nitrites (note that the limit for drinking water is much higher about 50 mg / l), spices in meat tens to hundreds of mg / kg. Good example of natural additive in food is vitamin C - Ascorbic acid– E 300 which can be found in vegetable or fruits but is not added in the production mechanically.